
N330 carbon black: multifaceted properties and wide range of applications

Carbon black, as an important industrial raw material, plays an important role in all walks of life. Among them, N330 carbon black has attracted much attention because of its unique properties and wide range of applications. In this paper, the characteristics and wide application of N330 carbon black will be introduced in detail.

I. Characteristics of N330 carbon black

Particle structure: N330 carbon black has fine particle structure and large surface area, which is conducive to adsorb various substances and improve its application performance.

Wear resistance: N330 carbon black has high wear resistance, which can enhance the wear resistance of rubber, plastic and other materials and prolong its service life.

Electrical conductivity: Due to its small particle spacing, N330 carbon black has good electrical conductivity and can be applied to electronic, electrical and other fields.

Uniformity: N330 carbon black particles are evenly distributed, which can improve the uniformity and stability of the mixture.

Colorability: N330 carbon black itself is black, can effectively increase the blackness of the material, widely used in rubber, ink and other fields.

II. Application of N330 carbon black

Rubber industry: As one of the most important application fields, N330 carbon black is widely used in the production of rubber products, such as tires and rubber pipes. Its excellent wear resistance and enhanced performance makes rubber products have better anti-aging and wear resistance characteristics.

Plastic industry: N330 carbon black can be used as a filler for plastics, which can enhance the mechanical properties and weather resistance of plastics, improve the strength and hardness of plastic products, and is widely used in plastic pipes, injection molding parts and other fields.

Ink industry: N330 carbon black as a high quality colorant, is widely used in the production of ink, can increase the blackness and gloss of ink, improve the quality and look and feel of printed matter.

Coating industry: N330 carbon black can be used as filler and colorant of coatings, which can enhance the weather resistance, wear resistance and adhesion of coatings, and is widely used in architectural coatings, automotive coatings and other fields.

Electronics industry: Due to its good electrical conductivity, N330 carbon black is widely used in the manufacturing of electronic products, such as batteries, conductive adhesives and other fields, which can improve the electrical conductivity and stability of products.

III. Manufacturing process of carbon black N330

The manufacturing process of carbon black N330 mainly includes the following steps:

a) Raw material processing: The production of carbon black with bituminous coal and natural gas as the main raw materials, after crushing, screening, drying and other processing, made into powdered raw materials.

b) Cracking reaction: raw material at high temperature (1200℃~1500℃) and oxygen or water vapor chemical reaction, decomposition produces a large number of low molecular hydrocarbon gas and black carbon,

c) Carbon black separation: After the cracking reaction, carbon black is separated by adsorption, filtration, centrifugation and other separation techniques.

d) Treatment: After washing, drying, packaging and other treatments, carbon black N330 is manufactured.

IV. Storage and transportation of carbon black N330

Carbon black N330 should be stored in a dry, cool and ventilated warehouse to avoid mixing with oxidants, acids, alkalis and other dangerous goods to avoid the risk of fire and explosion. In the process of transportation, attention should be paid to moisture-proof, avoid sun, rain and mechanical collision to ensure product quality and safety.

Post time: May-08-2024


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