
Titanium dioxide market welcome inflection point

In July, the transaction price of some enterprises continued to fall slightly at the beginning of the month. With the market destocking, the market price of titanium dioxide stopped falling and stabilized in late June, and the price of manufacturers’ shipments began to rise gradually.

The price rise mainly has the following points:

April since the titanium white market operation is weak, titanium white enterprises started more than enough;

Manufacturers’ inventory consumption and market supply shortage;

The price of domestic titanium ore continues to rise, the price has increased by about 300 yuan since June. The sulfuric acid market has recovered and the Southwest University Games have affected, the market supply has decreased and transportation has been limited, the price of sulfuric acid has risen, and the cost pressure of titanium dioxide enterprises is great.

The exchange rate continues to be high, domestic titanium white exports continue to increase.

Production: According to the statistics of Tu Duomany data, the cumulative production of titanium dioxide from January to June 2023 is 2.0557 million tons, down 3.95% from last year, and the production is reduced by 81,300 tons. In the first half of this year, the market was affected by the cost pressure and the market continued to weaken, the market started insufficient, and the output still fell slightly compared with the same period last year.

Import and export: From January to June 2023, China imported about 32,200 tons of titanium dioxide, down 59.63% from the same period last year, and the import volume decreased by about 47,600 tons. Domestic demand is weak, the price of imported titanium dioxide is high, and the import volume in the first half of this year fell more than last year. From January to June 2023, the cumulative export of titanium dioxide was about 836,200 tons, an increase of 12.0% over the same period last year, and the export volume increased by about 89,600 tons.

Titanium dioxide market ushered in two rounds of price rise tide, manufacturers order more, some enterprises received orders to October, manufacturers started to maintain a high level; Due to the high price of titanium ore and sulfuric acid, the production cost of titanium white enterprises is under pressure, and the new single price in the market is firm. At present, the inventory of manufacturers is low, the market supply is tight, and some market people are more optimistic about the later market, and the price of titanium white market or storage is expected to rise.

(This article is from the Internet)


Post time: Sep-27-2023


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